How to clean Tongue
How to clean Tongue
The tongue is a sense of taste that is owned by someone. If your tongue is dirty, the type of food that enters your mouth is of course very dirty. Often a person feels his tongue is dirty but doesn’t know how to clean it.
Steps to clean
Igrejasirianortodoxa – The way to clean the tongue is to stick out the tongue as much as possible after that scrape it from back to front. Make sure you are going to clean the tongue done for 2x a day. If you do it in the morning then do it before eating and drinking. Don’t forget that you have cleaned your tongue using mouthwash. The reason is that in mouthwash there is alcohol which can make the tongue dry and sterile. For those who are not used to it, make this activity a habit so you can feel different things.
The actual color of a healthy tongue is pink, which in the future the tongue will not get thrush and bad breath. If the tongue is already thick white, it needs to be done regularly so you can get maximum results. Use tools to clean the tongue so it doesn’t get dirty. You can find these tools at your nearest pharmacy.
Pay attention to the color of the tongue
Check whether it is clean or not?
Clean the tongue regularly to keep it healthy and free from disease. Those of you who feel that your tongue is different from the others, so you need to see a doctor and ask how? If you have these characteristics of the tongue, you need to get special attention, namely the color of the tongue which is white or sore on the tongue. An unusual tongue will make it unhealthy. Accumulation of dirt on the tongue will make the bacteria even more.